Digit Western Cape | Fuel Monitoring & Management

Deisel Optimisation | Construction & Mining Management

+Ensure cargo gets to the right destination with Tipper Alarm

#DieselMonitoring #FleetManagement #DFuel #TipperAlam #VehicleTracking #SMS/TXTAlerts #NoUnauthorisedStops #DTag #DNav

Diesel/ Fuel & Fleet Management Specialist >> Call Us: +27 (0)21 551 1677


As and when we receive ‘frequently asked questions (FAQ)’, we will post them here for your convenience.

Yes, the system is designed as a tracking or fleet management system. It has been designed to benefit you by saving you money in the medium-to-long term. Effectively the system will pay for itself.

No, there are cash options available that function on a month-to-month basis. You are NOT tied into any long term contracts or left paying for obsolete hardware years after the product’s life cycle.

No. There are only two wires that need to be connected and this can be connected directly to the car battery. No cutting into the wiring harness is necessary… It’s a safe and easy installation.

The system is designed to handle up to 1000 vehicles or devices on one PC. Although it would probably be more practical to have this size fleet (number of devices) spread across a number of PCs for logistical reasons. The tracking potential is unlimited.

Yes, the software allows you to set locations which can be labeled and sized. You can also set live track alerts to notify you when a vehicle exits or enters a specified location.

Yes, by sending a simple alarm command to the Digit, you will be notified via SMS the moment your vehicle is moved.

Yes, if your cell phone has a web browser you can login and see your vehicle online.

Based on current fuel prices, plus the cost of running a vehicle and driver salaries, a vehicle only has to save 2km’s of unauthorized trips a day in order to pay for itself.

If you have any further questions or queries, please feel free to Contact Us.
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